Back to school shopping is slightly different depending on what grade you’re entering. When you are a kindergartner, going school shopping for the first time ever, you will pick up supplies such as crayons, superhero backpacks and a lunchbox to house your fruit snacks and apple juice. When you are entering your freshman year of college, the shopping list looks a little bit different. What are the supplies you need most when you are shipping off to college? Holyoke Mall has crafted a list of must-have college supplies for Fall 2017!
This may be the most expensive purchase on your list but that is because it is the most important purchase by far. Your laptop is what will get you through the school day and entertain you through the night. (Hello, Netflix!) Invest in this piece of technology because, when treated right, one laptop can last you your whole college career. When you stop in to the store, students can receive special discounts and deals at Target, Best Buy and Apple.
Flash Drive
Though it be but little, it is fierce. A flash drive is required for many college courses and can get you out of a major crisis if you laptop reboots and erases all of your work! (Fingers crossed that will never happen.) Flash drives are inexpensive life-savers and now come designed in fun colors and patterns. Designer flash drives can be found in many of the stores at Holyoke Mall (Francesca’s, Forever 21, Hobby Lobby), but be sure to check out Target and Best Buy for a flash drive that boasts storage over design.
Tablet or E-Reader
Gone are the days of having to purchase text books that weigh hundreds of pounds and cost even more. With the introduction of E-readers and tablets came the introduction of e-textbooks. Buying an e-reader as a freshman will save you the money you would have spend on hard copies of textbooks in the long run. With e-readers starting at $79 and iPads starting at $399, this investment will pay for itself after one semester at school. Stop in to Apple to find your iPad or Target and Best Buy to pick up an Amazon Kindle!
While there are many other options for your printing needs on campus, (community printers, the library, computer labs) you may grow tired of the printing charges, having to trek across campus to make a copy or running late to class because you had to locate a printer first! A personal printer is not necessary, but may help you out in the long run. No one likes a tardy freshman! Shop your printer at Best Buy and Target for the best deals.
Click HERE to get your EXCLUSIVE DORM SWEET DORM: THE 10 TECH TOOLS YOU’LL NEED downloadable check-list!
Scientific Calculator
Regardless of your major or program, a scientific calculator is needed in your general education science and math courses. If your major does have a math or science focus, you will find that this calculator will be your best friend. Either way, you will be happy you have one! For inexpensive and colorful options, try purchasing your scientific calculator at Best Buy or Target.
Bluetooth Speaker
For when you want to party. Head to Best Buy or Target for a JBL, Bose or even Google speaker to get the party started.
For when you want a party of one. Beats by Dre cannot be beat and are offered FREE at Apple when you buy an eligible Mac or iPad Pro for college!
Charging Alarm Clock
The amount of times you will forget to set your alarm in college? Too many. The amount of times you will forget to charge your phone overnight in college? Too many. Eliminate the possibility of both with a charging alarm clock like an iHome or a Capello docking station. Best Buy or Target will have plenty of options for you on your clock search.
For the most part, the standard dorm room does not have air conditioning or even windows that open completely! The tail-end of the summer will be a sweaty one for you without your very own fan. Pro tip: Invest in a tower fan which is sleek, smaller than standing fans and cools down a room like no other. Get yours at Best Buy, Target, Macy’s, Sears or JCPenney!
Power Strip
Now that you’ve purchased a laptop, printer, alarm clock and fan, you need somewhere to plug them in! A standard dorm room will have 1-2 power outlets which you will have to share with your roommate. Rather than taking turns charging, pick up a power strip so you can be plugged in at all times. Stop in to Target, Best Buy, Macy’s or Sears to pick one up!
Click HERE to get your EXCLUSIVE DORM SWEET DORM: THE 10 TECH TOOLS YOU’LL NEED downloadable check-list!